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Firma Glass Expansion má více jak 20leté zkušenosti mimo jiné i v oblasti výroby kónusů pro ICP-MS a získala si celosvětovou pověst týkající se kvality a spolehlivostí.

Pro ochranu vašich kónusů během čisticího procesu Vám doporučujeme produkt ConeGuard  firmy Glass Expansion. Jedná se o efektivní ochranu závitů vašich kónusů během čistícího procesu (používá se u kónusů, které používají závity).

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Zobrazeno 024 z 24 produktů

Glass Expansion

Magnifier Inspection Tool (70-803-1923)

Zvětšovací pomůcka pro uživatele ICP se zabudovaným LED světlem pro kontrolu kondice vašeho zmlžovač ...

Obj.kód: 70-803-1923
Glass Expansion

Aluminium Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7701-Al)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7701-Al
Glass Expansion

Nickel Plated Platinum Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7706-Pt/NiP)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/8800

Obj.kód: AT7706-Pt/NiP
Glass Expansion

Nickel Plated Platinum Sampler Cone-XL for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7706L-Pt/NiP)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7706L-Pt/NiP
Glass Expansion

Nickel Plated Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7701-Ni/Ni)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/8800

Obj.kód: AT7701-Ni/Ni
Glass Expansion

Nickel Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7701-Ni)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7701-Ni
Glass Expansion

Platinum Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (18mm insert) (AT7706A-Pt)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7706A-Pt
Glass Expansion

Platinum Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7706-Pt)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7706-Pt
Glass Expansion

Platinum Sampler Cone for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900, boron-free (AT7706-Pt-BF)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7706-Pt-BF
Glass Expansion

Platinum Sampler Cone with Nickel Base for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (15mm insert) (AT7706B-Pt/Ni)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/8800

Obj.kód: AT7706B-Pt/Ni
Glass Expansion

Platinum Sampler Cone with Solid Nickel Base for Agilent 7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT7706-Pt/Ni)

Sampler kónus pro Agilent ICP-MS: 8900 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7800/7850 ICP-MS: 7700/88 ...

Obj.kód: AT7706-Pt/Ni
Glass Expansion

Aluminium Skimmer Cone for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800 (AT7702X-Al)

Agilent 7700x / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7702X-Al
Glass Expansion

Nickel Skimmer Cone for Agilent 7700s/7900 (AT7702S-Ni)

Agilent 7700s/7900

Obj.kód: AT7702S-Ni
Glass Expansion

Nickel Skimmer Cone for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800 (AT7702X-Ni)

Agilent 7700x / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7702X-Ni
Glass Expansion

Platinum Skimmer Cone for Agilent 7700s/7900 (AT7708S-Pt)

Agilent 7700s/7900

Obj.kód: AT7708S-Pt
Glass Expansion

Platinum Skimmer Cone with Copper Base for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800 (AT7708X-Pt)

Agilent 7700x / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7708X-Pt
Glass Expansion

Platinum Skimmer Cone with Copper Base for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800 boron-free (AT7708X-Pt-BF)

Agilent 7700x / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7708X-Pt-BF
Glass Expansion

Platinum Skimmer Cone with Nickel Base for Agilent 7700s/7900 (AT7708S-Pt/Ni)

Agilent 7700s/7900

Obj.kód: AT7708S-Pt/Ni

Platinum Skimmer Cone with Nickel Base for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800 (AT7708X-Pt/Ni)

Agilent 7700x / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7708X-Pt/Ni
Glass Expansion

ConeGuard Thread Protector, Skimmer for Agilent 7500c, 7700s and 7900 (70-803-1004)

Ochrana skimmer kónusů ConeGuard pro Agilent ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 7700s ICP-MS: 7500c ...

Obj.kód: 70-803-1004
Glass Expansion

ConeGuard Thread Protector, Skimmer for Agilent 7700x/7800/8800/8900 (70-803-1008)

Ochrana skimmer kónusů ConeGuard pro Agilent ICP-MS: 7700x ICP-MS: 7800 ICP-MS: 8800 ...

Obj.kód: 70-803-1008
Glass Expansion

Graphite Gasket for Agilent 7700/7900/8800/8900 Sampler Cone (PKT 3) (AT7703)

Grafitové těsnění sampler kónusu pro Agilent ICP-MS: 7700 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-MS: 8800 I ...

Obj.kód: AT7703
Glass Expansion

Long Life Shield Plate for Agilent 7500/7700/7800/7900/8800/8900 (AT5004)

Stínicí deska pro Agilent ICP-MS: 7500 ICP-MS: 7700 ICP-MS: 7800 ICP-MS: 7900 ICP-M ...

Obj.kód: AT5004
Glass Expansion

Retaining Ring for Agilent 7700 Sampler Cone (AT7704)

Agilent 7700 / 7800 / 8800

Obj.kód: AT7704

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